sorry i haven't posted in a while.

i have been very booked lately! yay!

also, it looks like Picasso will be staying on permanently!! check out his myspace or come in for a look at his portfolio and to make an appointment, cuz you're gonna want one. i'm trying to find time to get tattooed by him myself!

if you're wondering why i haven't been throwing pictures up like crazy, my camera sorta busted. yeah, it's sad... i know. i'm going to try to fix it and if that doesn't work, i'm going to buy another one soon. sorry for all you guys wanting more tattoos pictures. believe me, i want to post them; i've had some really fun pieces in the last few weeks.

also, i will be out-of-the-country June 12-24th. this is the first time i've ever had a passport, so i'm pretty psyched. for any of you that want to keep up w/ my adventures there, i'll be keeping a vacation blog with fun filled pictures of me in cancun and chichen itza and snorkeling w/ the whale sharks. i'll give the link when i get the blog set up.

as always, if you want to try to fit something in before i go, give a ring. i'll also be making appointments for when i return so don't think you have to wait for that, either. if you'd like to get some work done by Picasso, he'll be here (crossed fingers) the entire time i'm gone so make good use of his time!

until next time, be good!