Awkward Work Schedule:

Hello again Faithful Followers!

Over the next couple of weeks I will be moving to a new apartment. Hooray! As some of you already know, I have a very cute pet rabbit who happens to be very sick with an ear infection. Boo! (She's on meds and bedrest, don't worry, I'm taking care of her.) Add these two together and I have about 15 hours less in a day than I need... I'm sure you can relate.

So, I'll be at the shop as close to normal hours as possible until May 1st. Those of you that have appointments don't have to worry, this won't change our plans. I would simply suggest that anyone looking to come in for a consultation give the shop a call prior to coming down. This way you don't waste your time schlepping to a tattoo shop minus a tattoo artist.

Also, since when it rains, it pours... my laptop has gone screwy again. Email, as always, is the best way of getting in touch with me.

I expect things to fall back into normalcy quickly. Have no fear!

If anyone's still wondering what ever happened to that surgery I'm supposed to have, here's the uneventful update: I haven't had it yet! According to the insurance company, I will be eligible to have it covered come July. When I have a date set, you will know ASAP.

Thanks for paying attention. Hope you're all well.

See you soon!