
Kirsten and her husband, Will, came all the way from Pennsylvania today to get her kitty tattoo. she was a super trooper and managed to sit through seven and a half hours of me and my blending! i snapped a few pictures about 2 hours into it of just the black linework and blood-lining. i like to be able to show you guys what it looks like during the procedure, because i think people get nervous when they see all kinds of weird lines on their stencils.
here's a multi-angle view of the finished Ode to Luna Moth and Penelope.

aaaand a couple of details for good measure.

i also thought this would be a good piece to show how a custom piece gets put together. i won't bore you with the lengthy emails where Kirsten and i tried to explain what we were thinking to each other, or the other incarnations of this tattoo, but above are the photographs that were composited and the colored pencil version of what i drew up to give Kirsten an idea of how the final piece would look. small changes were made just before we started today. we thinned out the chin on the cat that's lying down, took off the tags on the collars, and adjusted the colors of their fur.

i am super duper happy w/ finally getting to do this piece. we had some quality movie and story-time today and Kirsten even brought us chocolate cupcakes!

bring me more kitties!!!! meow!