I've Been Taken Advantage Of!

well, my dears, it's nearly the end of the month, which means the Back To School Special is about to expire, and i did two really cool text tattoos today! *finally*

Bella came in a few months ago and got her feet tattooed. she had such a good time that she came in today to get her chest done and took advantage of the $30.00 off special. we hung out and watched The Goonies... she even let us keep the movie for the shop's collection. Thanks, Bella! (see you soon.)

above is Jennifer's side piece that we did this evening in about an hour and a half. i've included full pictures and a couple of details. you can see how the text moves w/ her and really accentuates her curves. very sexy, yes? there are also a couple of detailed pictures of the text. i'll be revisiting this piece when it is healed so i can get some pictures without so much swelling.

since i'm booked tomorrow and i'm tattooing my mommy on sunday, there's simply no more room at the inn for discounted text tattoos right now.

don't despair!
what's going on next month? Halloween!
who adores pumpkins? i do!
keep an eye out for fun tattoo discounts for the month of October. last year, Ariela got her Nightmare Before Christmas tattoo for half-price!